Stuck: Come, but one verse.


“Come, but one verse.”

Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act 2, Scene 4

Taken out of context, for sure (Orsino wants someone to sing to the music that has just started), but a nice line to cast some light on a problem I have, in variations, during the creative moment.

I don’t get stuck on dialogue.  I sometimes gets stuck on what’s next.  Solving the puzzle of the plot, that’s what gets me.

It has been happening to me for years.  My novel is a high-tech heist novel. HOW eluded me for years.

Then it came.  In the middle of the night, I woke up and I knew how they did it.  I started writing earnestly the next day.

What unstuck me?  I don’t know.  Where did it come from?  I don’t know.

But it did.


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